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The hybrid unity power: Organic Cocrystals make materials diverse(张其春)


Biomedical applications of NIR-II semiconducting polymers in imaging, sensing and therapy(吴佳英子)


时间:2021年723日 15:00-17:00


邀请人:张超红 老师


The hybrid unity power: Organic Cocrystals make materials diverse

报告人:张其春 教授(香港城市大学|葡萄·京手机app下载)


Organic cocrystals based on noncovalent intermolecular interactions (week interactions) have aroused enormous interest due to their unpredicted and versatile chemicophysical properties and charming applications (Figure 1). In this presentation, I will highlight recent emerging researches of organic cocrystals on reducing aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) effect, turning transport characteristic, and mechanic(solvo)-stimulus responsive behaviors.

Figure 1 Emerging properties and applications of organic co-crystals



张其春博士1970年出生,江苏高邮人。1988年江苏省扬州中学毕业,1992年南京大学|葡萄·京手机app下载本科分析专业毕业,1998年中科院北京化学所物理化学硕士毕业,2003年美国加州大学|葡萄·京手机app下载洛杉矶分校 (University of California, Los Angeles)有机化学硕士毕业, 2007年在美国加州大学|葡萄·京手机app下载河滨分校 (University of California, Riverside)无机化学博士毕业,2007-2008年美国西北大学|葡萄·京手机app下载(Northwestern University)做博士后, 2009年受聘于新加坡南洋理工大学|葡萄·京手机app下载材料科学与工程学院|葡萄·京手机app下载助理教授20143晋升为 新加坡南洋理工大学|葡萄·京手机app下载材料科学与工程学院|葡萄·京手机app下载副教授 (终身职位)201412月受聘于新加坡南洋理工大学|葡萄·京手机app下载数理学院|葡萄·京手机app下载副教授。2020年九月受聘于香港城市大学|葡萄·京手机app下载大学|葡萄·京手机app下载材料科学与工程学院|葡萄·京手机app下载终身教授。 2015年成为固态化学副主编。2017年当选为英国化学会会士。2016年成为材料化学前沿,无机化学前沿, 亚洲化学,和材料化学(C, JMCC)顾问委员会成员。2020年,Aggregate编辑委员会成员.研究兴趣包括有机半导体材料的合成和自组装和它们在有机半导体器件上的应用,以及无机半导体晶体材料的合成和应用。201820192020年,全球高倍引作者之一。目前已在Nature Chem.Nature Commun, Joule, J. Am. Chem. SocAngew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Sci, Adv. Energy Mater., ACS Nano, Chem Comm, Adv. Funct. Mater., Org. Lett, J. Org. Chem.等期刊上发表超420篇论文,被引超23600次, H-index: 86


Biomedical applications of NIR-II semiconducting polymers in imaging, sensing and therapy

报告人:吴佳英子 副研究员(深圳大学|葡萄·京手机app下载)


The second near-infrared (NIR-II) window (1000 – 1700 nm) is a new “transparent” window for biomedical imaging in deep-tissue, since the light absorption and scattering are significantly reduced. However, only limited types of materials can achieve absorption in the NIR-II window, and the majority is inorganic materials. In addition, conventional NIR-II absorbers can only achieve absorption of certain frequencies of NIR-II light, but not effective for the entire NIR-II region. Recently, we have synthesized a series of thiophene-based semiconducting polymer nanoparticles (SPN) which have strong absorption in the NIR-II window. The advantages of NIR-II SPN in photoacoustic imaging, including the high imaging contrast and centimeter-deep imaging depth, will be presented. Furthermore, we will discuss the potential applications of NIR-II SPN for PSMA-targeted imaging of prostate cancer, photoacoustic neural stimulation, and facile bacterial detection.




吴佳英子,博士,副研究员。2015年获得美国阿克隆大学|葡萄·京手机app下载高分子科学专业硕士学位,2020年获得美国普渡大学|葡萄·京手机app下载分析化学专业博士学位,并于2018-2020年在美国波士顿大学|葡萄·京手机app下载做访问研究。20208月加入深圳大学|葡萄·京手机app下载生物医学工程学院|葡萄·京手机app下载分子影像系。主要从事关于共轭高分子聚合物分子影像 (光声和非线性光学),肿瘤光热治疗,合成生物学等方向的交叉学科研究。以第一作者和通讯作者身份在Advanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional MaterialsSmallAnalytical Chemistry等国际知名期刊发表多篇SCI论文。


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